YOUNG chemists who attended a Warrington college have received awards sponsored by an international chemical company.

The three students, who finished their studies at Priestley College last year, returned to the site to receive their awards from principal James Gresty.

The prizes were sponsored by a Warrington-based company, Solvay Interox Limited, who aim to drive advancements in science,

Thomas Shaw, who is now studying chemistry at the University of Oxford, received £100 for winning the prize in his chosen subject.

“It was a nice surprise to be invited back into college to receive the Solvay Chemistry Prize,” said the former Cardinal Newman High School pupil.

“Having returned from my first term at university it was nice to see a few of my teachers, catch up and thank those who supported me on my journey from Priestley to Oxford.”

Two other prizes went to Muskaan Sadiq and Tilly Brown for achieving the highest grades last year in applied science.

Muskaan, who previously attended the Manchester Islamic High School for Girls, earned two distinction stars and former Culcheth High School pupil Tilly achieved a distinction star.

Richard Tarver, site director of Solvay, said they were proud to support the students who had excelled in their fields.

He said: “It is great to give these students some recognition for all they have achieved and hopefully help inspire them to go on and achieve their full potential in life.”

During his time at college Thomas joined the Pre Med and Graduate programmes, which made him realise studying at Oxford was not out of his reach.

He also fundraised for the National Autistic Society and volunteered for a short spell on a dementia ward, chatting to patients and making them cups of tea.

Now he is settling into life at one of the UK’s most prestigious universities and enjoying every moment.

“I was apprehensive about studying away from home, however, I have acclimatised to my new surroundings, made friends and have been welcomed into the Oxford community,” he said.

“Widening participation is increasingly becoming a focus at universities like Oxford, who themselves play an important role in outreach programmes alongside those offered at Priestley, which in turn help increase social mobility.”