CHRISTMAS will be a much happier time this year for five families in Warrington who will be receiving a free three-course meal and presents.

This is thanks to the generosity of Stockton Heath chef Andrew Dutton, who is dedicating his Christmas to helping others.

The 41-year-old, who opened bao bun takeaway business two months ago, will be using the kitchen at Latchford pub The Cheshire Cheese to cook for struggling families.

Andrew says he wants to do this as for every family that is looking forward to this time of year, there is another that is not.

“Although my food is Asian influenced, I have decided to close down over Christmas for a few days and offer a free three-course meal for four or five families with children who maybe having a difficult time with money over the festive period,”

“I am also going to donate £1,000 for gifts for the children that they can open while they are here.

Andrew Dutton and his son

Andrew Dutton and his son

“Essentially, I want to give the families something to look forward too if they are having a difficult time.

“I want to offer this as I myself am a full-time dad, in the past I have had hard times and know what it is like to be up against it.”

The dinner will take place in a dedicated events room at The Cheshire Cheese in Latchford.

Andrew is also hoping to find a volunteer to dress up as Father Christmas and present gifts to children, but if he could not find someone, he is prepared to do this too.

He added: “I have been there myself, and for every post I see about people looking forward to Christmas, I know there is an equal number if not more people who are not posting about how much they are not looking forward to it due to being alone and stuck in a rut.

“I am lucky and have had more good Christmases than bad, so I thought I would put my Christmas on hold for a day or two this year in order to help out those that really need it.”