ONE year ago this week, Margaret Keenan became the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 jab following its clinical approval.

A week later, Phillip Leech became the first person in Warrington to be vaccinated against coronavirus. 

Since that historic moment, more than 1.3million vaccinations have been administered across the county at GP practices, pharmacies, hospital hubs, mass vaccination centres, community centres, church halls, and schools. 

Just under 147,000 people have had both jabs in Warrington, with more than 45,000 people having their booster. 

Despite this outstanding progress, there are still thousands of eligible people who remain unvaccinated and many others eligible for a second or booster jab.

This is why health chiefs in the town are continuing to urge anyone who is eligible to come forward now. 

Dr Andrew Davies, chief clinical officer of NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “The Covid-19 vaccination programme is a great example of what can be achieved by working in partnership across the community.

“I would like to thank everyone who has come forward for their vaccinations and to all the volunteers, health and care providers and wider stakeholders who contributed to the vaccination programme across Warrington for over the last 12 months.  

Dr Laura Mount administered the first Covid vaccination in Warrington last December

Dr Laura Mount administered the first Covid vaccination in Warrington last December

“Covid-19 vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and others, and it is never too late to come forward for yours.

“With Christmas festivities just around the corner, it is really important that we are all as protected as we can be.”

Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for public health and wellbeing, Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, also called for residents to embrace booster vaccine offers.

She said: “The Covid-19 vaccination programme is the biggest and most complex vaccination programme undertaken by the NHS.

“Multi-agency teams have worked extremely hard to deliver this programme over the last year, and they continue to do so.

“The vaccine is safe and effective, and I would strongly encourage everyone to boost their immunity this winter by getting vaccinated as soon as possible, if they have not done so already.

“It really is our best line of defence against the virus and any new variants.

“Understandably, residents may be concerned about cases of the new Covid-19 Omicron variant and what this will mean over the next few months.

“It is now more important than ever that we continue to do all we can to protect ourselves and others.

The Halliwell Jones Stadium was used as a Covid vaccination centre at the start of the towns vaccine programme

The Halliwell Jones Stadium was used as a Covid vaccination centre at the start of the town's vaccine programme

“This means wearing face coverings whenever possible, keeping your distance from others, washing your hands often, testing yourself regularly, self-isolating when required and taking up the offer of the vaccine and booster dose as soon as you are eligible.”

Following updated guidance, the Government announced that it will be opening booster vaccinations to those aged 18 to 39, meaning thousands more Warrington residents will become eligible for the jab.

Dr Davies added: “Following the updated guidance, the NHS will be setting out how booster jabs will be given in priority order so that the most vulnerable people are protected first, while also increasing capacity to vaccinate millions more people in a shorter space of time.

“When you get the call, it is vital that you come forward as soon as possible.”

Vaccinations are being delivered at centres across Warrington.

In some cases, residents may be required to travel to the mass vaccination centre St Helens RFC’s Totally Wicked Stadium for their vaccination, or to a site different to where they had their first or second jab.

To find your nearest vaccination centre, search online for ‘book or manage your Covid-19 vaccination’.

When you are eligible, please arrange your vaccination appointments online via the national booking service, by calling 119 or by responding to an invitation from the NHS.