SHOPPERS are being urged to ditch online shopping and instead head to the borough’s businesses to carry out their Christmas shopping over the festive period.

Launched last week, the Warrington Guardian is running its second Back Our Businesses campaign, supported by the council, as we bid to support companies that have battled to survive during the pandemic.

It follows a successful campaign to back businesses earlier this year.

Labour Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols says the past 18 months have seen people in the town at their best as they supported each other through the pandemic.

She said: “Now, as we hopefully make our way out to a post-pandemic world, we need to make sure that our local community shops, businesses and town centre recover as well.

“We understand so much more about the risks of the virus now and shops, restaurants and pubs have gone above and beyond to implement measures to keep staff and customers safe.

“I am not asking people to go out when they don’t feel safe, but if you are double-vaxxed and you are looking to buy presents or to socialise, don’t go for the online option or house parties, support our businesses.

“Keep it local, keep it Warrington.”

Conservative Warrington South MP Andy Carter – who, along with Ms Nichols, won his seat in the 2019 general election – has also shared his views as he urged residents to support the businesses in the area.

He said: “It might seem too early to be talking about Christmas but very soon the lights will start to go up in the town centre and local retailers will be putting up their decorations and showcasing their festive products.

“I’m really pleased to give my backing to the Warrington Guardian’s campaign to back local businesses this Christmas, throughout the pandemic we were reminded of the importance of our local independent retailers, with many small business owners going to extraordinary measures to help our communities, introducing deliveries and providing a service well beyond what might be expected.

“I’ve made it my mission to visit as many SMEs as possible across Warrington South over the past year, shops, service providers and the hospitality sector – and I know that they’re providing jobs for people locally and supporting the important mix we all enjoy on our high streets.

“We need to use them or we’ll certainly lose them.”

Furthermore, Town Hall bosses are urging shoppers to play their part in the ongoing economic recovery.

Cllr Tom Jennings, the Labour-run council’s cabinet member for economic development and innovation, said: “Shopping local has never been more important – it is vital for our recovery and a much-needed boost for businesses who have struggled over the last 18 months.

“If every resident spent £5 a week locally, it would generate an extra £40.8 million in our local economy every year.

“To help people return to the town centre and adapt to the ‘new normal’, we have continued with measures to ensure people feel confident to shop and dine out safely, but everyone must play their part.

“If we all continue to be mindful and take steps to protect ourselves and others, remembering that Covid hasn’t gone away, then we can look forward to a thriving town centre and a great festive atmosphere.

“There is something for everyone to enjoy in Warrington this winter and plenty of opportunities to support local businesses.

“I hope everyone takes advantage of the festive events and ample shopping options available in the town centre in the run-up to Christmas – and we look forward to all of the exciting things coming to Warrington in 2022.”