INSPECTORS heaped praise on staff working for a home care service following a recent inspection.

Representatives of the Care Quality Commission carried out a routine review of the service provided by Birchwood-based C&D Family Care.

Following their visit in August, inspectors found the service to be ‘good’ overall, including in all five inspection areas of safe, effective, caring responsive and well-led.

Among the areas receiving particular praise was the ‘kindness and compassion’ on display by staff towards people receiving care in their own homes.

This was C&D Family Care’s first inspection since being registered with the commission, with 84 people receiving care at the time of inspection.

In their report published this month, inspectors said: “Staff supported people to take medicines safely.

“They were trained in medicines management and knew how to ensure that people received their medicines on time and as they had been prescribed.

“People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives, and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.

“People felt safe with staff, who had the appropriate training and skills to provide care safely and effectively.

“The provider had systems in place to ensure people were protected from abuse and avoidable harm.”

Inspectors also praised the recruitment process followed by the service, which ensured people were supported ‘safely and effectively’.

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Staff received an induction and were supported through a programme of regular supervision and training.

The report adds: “People, relatives and health and social care professionals spoke positively about the service provided.

“People received personalised care which was responsive to their individual needs.

“Staff had a good understanding of the care and support people needed and provided this with kindness, care and compassion, while respecting their privacy and dignity.

“People were involved in their care and consulted when planning and agreeing their care and support needs.”