A TEEN who made threats to kill in front of two infants – armed with a wallpaper scraper - leaving the victims terrified, has been jailed.

Joshua Smith entered the victim’s home as a trespasser and stood in between young children as he threatened to kill the victim’s boyfriend who was not home.

The victim and her friend managed to push Smith out after he entered her home ‘shaking with anger.’

Smith was 17 at the time of the offence in August 2019.

He also failed to show up to his sentencing in February this year and failed to surrender, resulting in his arrest on May 25.

The now 19 year old was given detention in Youth Offenders Institution for 7 months and 28 days.

Smith appeared for sentencing before Liverpool Crown Court on Thursday after pleading guilty at an earlier hearing to carrying an offensive weapon and threats to kill.

The case was delayed due to the trial of his co-defendant.

Prosecuting, David Watson, stated how Smith was dressed in all black with a hood over his head as he entered the defendants home through an unlocked door.

The court also heard how Smith stood between the two infants who were playing in the living room and said ‘where is he, I’m going to kill him.’

Mr Watson told the court how the two victims were ‘terrified’ and ‘petrified.’

Smith, of Farnworth Street, Widnes, also claimed he ‘didn’t care’ that the children were there.

Before the victim and her friend managed to push him out, Smith had a weapon in his arm which he pointed at the victim.

The weapon appeared to be a wallpaper scraper with a large handle.

Smith and his co-defendant were arrested later on that evening in an alleyway on Lovely Lane in Warrington.

Tony Williams, defending, told the court how Smith had carried out the offence because he was in trouble with people in relation to drugs, which had already caused trouble at home for his mother.

Mr Williams stated how Smith, who is soon to be a dad, had been instructed to go and get cannabis from the man and thought if he did that his debts would be dropped.

He added how Smith had been ‘naïve’ and had dyslexia which affected his education, and also has previously wondered if he has special needs.

Mr Williams said: ‘‘He is ashamed of what he did, he feels guilty because of the impact on his own family.

‘‘He has expressed remorse, is clearly ashamed and has had time to reflect.’’

‘‘His mother has faith in him and has recognised positive change.

‘‘All he has to occupy himself in prison is TV and exercise.

‘‘He gets £1 a day for a phone call and has to alternate between his mum and girlfriend and he isn’t having a pleasant time in prison.’’

The court also heard how significant time has passed since the offence and Smith has behaved himself for the ‘most part,’ which has demonstrated he can behave himself in the community.

Judge David Aubrey said: ‘‘The events of August 23 were that the victim was at home, there were other persons in the house including some young children.

‘‘You entered the home as the door was unlocked as a trespasser and had possession of a weapon, which is used for home decoration or do it yourself, in the presence of children and stated you will kill the victim’s boyfriend.

‘‘You threatened to kill a man, intending the victim feared that the threat would be carried out.

‘‘It was a terrifying experience for the victim and children for you to enter dressed in black with a hood over your head with an unidentifiable weapon, making threats.’’

Smith’s ‘tender age’ at the time of the offence and guilty plea were taken into consideration.

He was sentenced to detention in Youth Offenders Institution for seven months and 28 days.