A WARRINGTON high school hosted a prestigious event for the Chester Diocese.

At 10am on Thursday 27th May, Downing Street officially announced the new bishops of Birkenhead and Stockport.

Venerable Julie Conalty, currently Archdeacon of Tonbridge, will be the next Bishop of Birkenhead, and the Revd Canon Sam Corley, currently Rector of Leeds Minster, will be the next Bishop of Stockport.

Warrington Guardian: Students were able to ask the new bishops questions about their journey to becoming a bishop. Picture: Tony MorrisStudents were able to ask the new bishops questions about their journey to becoming a bishop. Picture: Tony Morris


Leading up to the announcement, Thomas Boteler Church of England High School’s samba band, ‘Samboteler,’ played outside to welcome their guests, whose visit to the school was the first point of call on a busy schedule of meeting people across diocese.

Students were able to ask the new bishops questions about their journey to becoming a bishop, and what they were each looking forward to most in their new roles.

The role of bishop was featured as the schools’ ‘Career of the Week’.

Bishop-designate Julie said: “Being nominated to be the next Bishop of Birkenhead is a huge privilege.

‘‘I am both honoured and daunted to have been appointed.

‘‘I have a strong sense of calling to this role and to serve the people of Chester Diocese but that doesn’t stop me feeling unworthy and slightly terrified.

“I am assured that I will receive a warm welcome and I really look forward to getting to know my new colleagues and community.

‘‘Please pray for me as I prepare, just as I will pray for you.”

Bishop-designate Sam Corley says of his appointment: “It is humbling and so very exciting to have been nominated as the next Bishop of Stockport.

“Any act of discernment is as demanding as it is energising, but I have had a strong sense of God’s leading throughout the appointment process and I am eager to begin getting to know people across the diocese and to learning about the different communities we serve.

‘‘And what a gift to be able to join a new episcopal team at such a key time in the life of the diocese.

‘‘ I am so excited about working together with Bishop Mark and Julie as we strive to enable the discipleship and ministry of the whole people of God to flourish and as we support churches, schools and chaplaincies across the diocese in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“I know I have much to learn.

''But I come ready to listen and look forward so much to meeting you all and to all that is to come.”