LABOUR’S Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols has praised party leader Sir Keir Starmer’s speech on the economy.

Sir Keir’s ‘New Chapter for Britain’ speech on Thursday called for the Government to give the British people ‘a stake in the national recovery’ and called for the budget on March 3 to create ‘security and opportunity across the country’.

He also reinforced the party’s opposition to the proposed £20 cut to universal credit in April.

Ms Nichols says the party leader outlined Labour’s vision for rebuilding the country.

She added: “As we look to the future we must channel the incredible solidarity we have seen during this crisis into a plan to rebuild Britain.

“By protecting the interests of working people, and tackling the inequality that blights our country, Labour is the party of economic security.

“This stands in sharp contrast to the cronyism of this Government, who have allowed their friends and donors to line their pockets while ordinary families have suffered so much.”