A VANDAL smashed the windows of a chip shop before running onto railway lines.

Neil Dumican, from Orford, cause hundreds of pounds worth of damage to the Plaice Station in Padgate on the evening of Thursday, September 17.

British Transport Police were called to the scene at around 8pm on the night in question after receiving reports that a man who was ‘under the influence of drink or drugs’ had damaged the windows before trespassing on the railway at nearby Padgate Station.

Cheshire Police also attended the incident, but the 22-year-old became ‘aggressive’ upon their arrival and kicked an officer in the shin before being arrested.

Dumican, of Fairbrother Crescent, admitted trespassing on a railway line, criminal damage and assaulting an emergency services worker at Warrington magistrates court on Wednesday, November 25.

He was handed a two-year community order with a rehabilitation activity requirement of up to 20 days, fined £50 and told to pay compensation of £1,400, £85 in court costs and a £95 victim surcharge.

BTP inspector James Mitchell said: “Dumican’s actions that evening were reckless and inexcusable, and I am thankful to the courts for handing him a significant fine for trespassing on the line.

“Fortunately, the Cheshire Police officer Dumican assaulted did not suffer any serious injuries.

“Trespassing causes major disruption to the network, and we have seen first-hand the tragic consequences that can occur from doing so.

“We encourage anyone that witnesses trespassing on the railway to contact us by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.

“If it’s an emergency, always call 999."

Andrea Graham, head of crime and security for Network Rail’s north west and central region, added: “Trespassing on the tracks not only causes huge disruption, which delays passengers and causes costly delays.

“It is also incredibly dangerous.

“We will always work with British Transport Police to make sure justice is served to those who recklessly break the law on the railway – we hope this case sends a strong message that trespassing will never be tolerated.”