A FUND has been set up to help charitable groups in Cheshire and Warrington support vulnerable people affected by coronavirus.

Cheshire Community Foundation launched the scheme as charities start to see an increase in demand from those needing extra support during isolation.

Most charities are reliant upon volunteers and will struggle if these vital supporters become ill, self-isolate or are unable to help due to caring responsibilities of their own.

Many will also see a drop in their income due to cancelled fundraising events and reduced rental and activity income.

The Cheshire and Warrington COVID-19 Response Fund will prioritise funding to charitable projects across the county that are supporting people affected by the virus, helping to keep them safe and supported in their homes and reducing pressure on the NHS.

Zoe Sheppard, CEO of Cheshire Community Foundation, said: "The outbreak of COVID-19 is an exceptional event, already impacting many of the charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups we currently support with grant funding.

"These groups, already under pressure helping those most in need, are going to be stretched to breaking point without additional support."

The fund will also support charitable projects providing activities that help people self-isolating, provide funding to coordinate community response and support volunteers, and increase capacity for organisations providing emergency support, such as foodbanks or benefits advice.

Zoe added: "This situation is rapidly evolving, so we wanted to quickly get a fund in place to support our community and give people who have been enquiring about what they can do to help a place to go.

"Philanthropy has an important role to play in supporting and enhancing the government response, especially in support of our most vulnerable communities.

"We have seen through various appeals in the past that people really do care about where they live and want to ensure that those hardest hit are supported."

In addition, the The National Emergencies Trust (The NET) has launched a national appeal to raise funds to help charities.

For more information, visit cheshirecommunityfoundation.org.uk/donate/, email office@cheshirecommunityfoundation.org.uk or call 01606 330607.

To enquire about funding, charities should contact the grants team via email at grants@cheshirecommunityfoundation.org.uk.