LAND has been safeguarded from development to prepare for the potential replacement of one of Warrington’s key crossings.

Transport bosses believe the high-level Cantilever Bridge between Station Road and Ackers Road – which crosses the Manchester Ship Canal – will need to be upgraded or replaced in the future.

Through the draft local transport plan, LTP4, the council is proposing to continue to safeguard land next to the structure.

But concerns have been raised over the impact this is having on nearby homeowners.

The Labour-run council says the local plan safeguarding policy for the site includes land to the west of it ‘to allow sufficient land for the improvement or replacement’ of it.

In December, plans to build 189 apartments on the adjacent Station Road site in Latchford were approved.

But Town Hall chiefs say the residential development will not have any buildings underneath or within the ‘immediate vicinity’ of the bridge arches which ‘might constrain improvements’ to the crossing.

A council spokesman added: “The bridge is owned and maintained by the Manchester Ship Canal Company and is currently subject to a weight restriction to limit the use of the bridge to vehicles under three tonnes.

“The weight restriction was imposed to protect and extend the life of the bridge and allow continued passage of traffic across the canal.

“The council has made a commitment during the first five years of LTP4, up to 2025, to review the need for the upgrade or replacement of the bridge.

“This work will inform what form of improvement, if any, is required and the relevant timescales.”

Ward councillor Cllr Ryan Bate, who is also the Liberal Democrats’ Warrington South parliamentary candidate, welcomed acknowledgement from the council that the bridge may need to be improved or replaced.

“However, the uncertainty, while we wait for a firm decision, is already affecting house sales around the safeguarded land,” he added.

“Equally important, the local plan and LTP4 suggest that any new or improved bridge would only be a like-for-like replacement in the existing strained road network.

“With potential increased canal traffic, residents and businesses on both sides of the canal, need to see firmer commitments to enhancing and expanding canal crossings, especially high-level bridges that won’t be affected by canal traffic.”