MEET the troupe bringing traditional Hungarian dance moves to Orford.

Ti-Ti-Ta is a 14-strong Hungarian dance folk troupe based at St Andrew’s Church Hall.

Members aged 16 to 47 perform traditional dances from the eastern European country - including one where performers balance a glass wine bottle on their heads.

The move takes years to perfect and symbolises the celebration of a successful harvest.

Group member Ibolya Dula moved to the UK 11 years ago from Szekesfehervar, around 40 miles south of Budapest.

A teaching assistant who lives in Winsford, she said: “Hungarian folk dance is a big part of my life - I started to dance when I was just seven and my mum enrolled me with a local group.

“I love this type of dance as I grew up with it, and for me it means freedom, friendship, culture and enjoyment - I love the costumes we wear and the dance moves we make.

“For me, it is extremely important to share my culture.

“It helps to spread a positive message about how people with different backgrounds can live together.

“Many people know very little about Hungary, and dance is a great way to share our culture.”

And the group is set to play at the UK’s only Transylvanian festival Gobefest, which takes place in Manchester in June.

Organiser Ottilia Ordog said: “The name Ti-Ti-Ta represents the basic rhythm of Hungarian folk dances, and we know we can rely on Ibolya’s group to have everyone up and dancing.”

Ti-Ti-Ta meets at the Poplars Avenue church ever other Saturday.

For more information, email