THE deputy chief executive of Warrington Borough Council is leaving to take up a role in Cumbria.

Katherine Fairclough is becoming chief executive at Cumbria County Council is early March.

She has worked in Warrington for the past seven years.

She oversees financial, legal and democratic services, business rates, policy and performance, communications, electoral services, HR advisory and transactional services, organisational change, ICT, the customer contact centre, and the local Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership.

It is understood she will not be replaced at Warrington Town Hall as the council continues to try to find savings in its budget.

Katherine said: "“I’m delighted to join Cumbria County Council as the new chief executive and am looking forward to building on the legacy of a One Team approach.

"All local authorities face huge challenges but I am sure that, with the support of elected members, staff and partners from across the county, we can deliver the Council’s ambitions for the people of Cumbria.

"I’ve already had a warm welcome and I look forward to getting out and about to meet the people and organisations that make Cumbria such a special place and listening to what people have to say.

"The best way to face all the challenges ahead of us is to work together.”