WARM-HEARTED volunteers have launched an appeal for rucksacks to help the homeless this winter after a successful campaign last year.

The Rucksack Project is a national scheme asking volunteers to fill backpacks with essentials to help homeless people through the cold winter.

Susan Blyth, community manager at Warrington YMCA, said the aim is to ‘provide comforts’ for people and is asking residents to think about what they would need if they were living on the streets.

Socks are urgently needed, along with hats, gloves and scarves in dark colours, to keep people warm.

Toiletries are also desperately required, particularly toothbrushes, toothpaste, toiletry bags, deodorant and flannels, but not bars of soap.

Susan said that small rucksacks are preferable and that chocolate, biscuits and cuppa soups are also greatly appreciated.

The YMCA is expecting a busy Christmas period and, with only 10 beds to offer, the centre was full every night over the festive season last year.

To get involved with the Rucksack Project, visit the Facebook group or the Warrington YMCA on Winmarleigh Street on Saturday or December 19.

Email warringtonymca@btconnect.com for more information.

By Chloe Laversuch