IT caused anger among Lymm residents when it was announced a Netto would be moving on to Rushgreen Road.

But today, Thursday, the value supermarket opened its doors to shoppers looking for an early bargain. 

News of a petition calling on the council to oppose the building of a Netto and to re-consult residents as ‘it was not an upmarket supermarket as promised’ hit national headlines earlier this year.

Shoppers at the grand opening this morning were generally positive about the new store.

Lymm resident Frank Sweeney, aged 70, said: "When the plans first went up there was a big objection but you'll probably find the ones who are grumbling will start sneaking in.

"When you look from the main road compared to what it was before it's better that it's like this than to have an eyesore.

"It's a pity that the garage folded but it's better-looking as you drive along and they've really done a good job with the landscaping at the front."

George Bradshaw, also of Lymm, highlighted that the new supermarket allowed for better parking than its nearby rivals.

The 81-year-old said: "It's a good thing for us, at least we get decent parking which is more than the Co-op has - the parking there is absolutely atrocious and it's dangerous so this is quite good.

"If they sell the goods that you want it doesn't matter where it's from - Lidl and Aldi are quite good so if this is as good I'll be happy."

Store manager Nathan Wilson, who was formerly the deputy store manager at Fosters Menswear in Warrington and has 25 years of retail experience, encourage Lymm residents to give Netto a try.

The Lowton resident said: "From an employment point of view everybody is local to Lymm.

"We've got a great range of products and the fruit and veg comes in fresh every day.

"We've got an instore bakery, great quality meat and some products with a Scandinavian twist.

"Come down, have a look and see what you think - I think people will be surprised because it's not the Netto of old, it's a new format and the quality of the products is great.

"I think they'll be impressed when they come in - we had a few people queueing up at 8am this morning and when I've been talking to customer they're really impressed with it."







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