TALENTED drama students from Woolston High are to perform an exciting new play at the prestigious Lowry Theatre in Manchester.

The pupils, from years 8, 9 and ten, impressed judges from the National Theatre so much with their production of Ruckus in the Garden, that they were put through to the regional festival on May 9.

"It is quite an achievement to be this successful," said teacher Andy Hargreaves.

"The children were amazed. They just think it is fantastic.

"They feel a bit nervous because it is such a big venue and there will be so many people, but we have talked through what we would do on the day and they got really excited."

The play is about two rival schools who find themselves in the Garden of Cecil Fortescue during a school trip.

A ruckus is inevitable as is customary when they meet but magic waits among the topiary in the form of Cupid', who brings transformations romantic, revealing and hilarious.

The writer, David Farr, has written for BBC spy drama Spooks, and Mr Hargreaves believes it is the ideal play for his pupils to showcase their talents.

"I think it will be really good for them, especially those thinking about doing performing arts," he said.

"To say you have been part of a production and experience like that and to see how different it is on a big stage can only be good for them.

"It would be great if we got through to the national theatre in London in the summer by doing well in this."

The National Theatre Connections is one of the world's largest celebrations of youth theatre.

For the past 14 years, it has commissioned new plays for and about young people from some of the best modern playwrights and then got schools and youth theatres to produce them.

Woolston High is one of 200 schools and groups to take part in one of 17 regional festivals.

For ticket information visit www.thelowry.com