Sorry I haven't updated my blog for a while but I've been see, Jill in our office has taken her digital scales home and has now gone on holiday, so Chris and I haven't been able to have our usual weigh-ins.

(We won't use any other scales as these are the only ones we've used since day 1) I was really gutted last Tuesday when I came in and found out...I'd geared myself up and practically starved myself in preparation for the weigh-in. The only problem was that I then realised I had another 2 1/2 weeks until she's back, so I instantly relaxed (with a snack size twix!) and took my foot off the pedal slightly. Anyway, she's back one week today, so I have 7 days to lose 3 weeks worth of weigh-ins!

I've also just found out that me and Chris are going to train with a rugby club next Tuesday night (fitness training!) The thing is, I'm the most unfit person I've ever met. Even when I was at school and I used to run for Cheshire, I would still collapse after 100 metres! I've never had a high level of fitness, even when I was really slim, so I'm hoping that I can use the 'I am a lady don't you know' excuse during the rugby training.

To be fair to Chris, he has had a good few weeks and comes in each morning bragging about how many km he cycled the night before, so I'm expecting him to do better than me next week. But I'm back on track now and I'm sure I'll be back in front the following week.