BUILDERS were evacuated from the new Golden Square Shopping Centre during a fire on Thursday morning.

( Click here to see mobile phone footage of the fire. )

Roof cladding and insulation boards on a first floor extension of the Legh Street side of the development were destroyed in the accident, caused by contracted workers using a blowlamp torch.

Two fire engines from Warrington station, one from Birchwood and a special hydraulic lift unit from Stockton Heath were called to the scene around 10am, with workers watching on as 16 firefighters tackled the fire.

Trading in the existing shopping centre was not affected, as there was no danger to the public.

However, the part-evacuation also saw the multi-storey car park temporarily closed.

Tom Foster, White Watch manager at Warrington station, explained that some smoke had entered the extension so all workers were asked to leave.

The firefighters then used a pressure fan to disperse the smoke and thermal imaging to assist in damping down the smouldering cladding.

He said: "The fire hadn't spread any further than a foot really - there was a brick wall that stopped it spreading."

The incident was closed around 12.30pm.

Ian Cox, Golden Square marketing manager, said: "The fire brigade attended the scene and quickly brought the fire under control.

"The safety and well-being of all our customers, retailers and staff is our primary concern.

"As a precautionary health and safety measure, the Golden Square management team and the fire brigade closed the multi-storey car park for a short period of time.

However, Golden Square is open for trading as usual."