THE controversial health waste plant application was dramatically dropped yesterday, Wednesday - but the Warrington Guardian understands a new application is due in weeks.

The applicants withdrew the plan for near Winwick Road, which has generated "root and branch opposition", at a public inquiry at The Halliwell Jones Stadium.

The Government planning inspector considering the appeal decided it could not progress in its present form.

New regulations classify some of the health waste as hazardous and infectious.

The original application said it would treat neither. Therefore the planning application had changed since it was submitted and it could not go to appeal without starting the planning process all over again, the inspector ruled.

Residents broke into applause at the decision - but the Guardian has been told Mona Developments are keen to press ahead.

The agents think they were caught out by the change in regulations. They argued the way waste was treated had not altered, only the classifications - so a new application could be made quickly and simply.

Clr Kate Hannon (Lab - Orford) said: "If they apply again there will be more objections because it is hazardous waste."

Clr Pat Wright (Lab - Bewsey and Whitecross), who was in tears of happiness with the inspector's decision, said: "These facilities are always put in deprived wards.

"It's about time we said enough is enough."

Mona Developments can now appeal to the High Court, or resubmit the plan.

The Guardian approached the company directors as they silently stood around at the back of the room, but one said: "We have no comment at the moment."

The borough council has made an appeal for costs on the basis that the applicants had been unreasonable because the inspector could not pass the application.