CHAOS erupted in court as the jury returned verdicts in the trial of Risley prisoners Aaron Gordon and Marcus Nelson.

The grim-faced pair stared intensely at each other, maintaining eye contact, as the foreman replied guilty' to each murder charge.

Dressed in a pink shirt, Gordon sat with his head bowed as Judge RHQ Henrique asked prosecutor, Robin Spencer, to read out the victim impact statements of Paddy Butler's family.

Suddenly, Gordon exploded in rage, the enormity of the sentence dawning on him.

"Just sentence me!" he demanded, leaping to his feet.

"You have just sentenced me to death!"

Judge Henrique had earlier warned the public gallery, uneasily containing the families of both defendants and Mr Butler, against any outbursts.

"There must be absolute silence when the jury return their verdicts otherwise you will be in contempt of court."

Gordon, ignoring the judge's orders to sit down', yelled: I'm not sitting down. I don't want to hear this. Sentence me, man. Take me down."

A guard removed him from the dock as Mr Spencer continued: "The loss we feel will never be eradicated," said Iris Lees, Mr Butler's auntie, in her statement.

Then it was Nelson's turn to snap. Dressed in a pink shirt and green pullover, he ran down the stairs of the dock.

A few minutes, later however, both men reappeared to hear the judge pass sentence.

Despite Gordon being the younger by seven years, Judge Henrique said he was clearly the ringleader.

"I have observed their relationship and it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that the domineering personality is Gordon," he said.

By now, many of the defendants' relatives were streaming to the exit, berating the judge in between sobs.

A scuffle broke out outside and police officers left the courtroom to restore order.

They returned to escort Mr Butler's grateful family and the jury out in safety.