OUR president welcomed us to the March meeting, especially one new member and a visitor, Sally Shaw.

Following the singing of Jerusalem, which now has a piano tape accompaniment, Ruth Houghton was thanked for the basket of hyacinths, later added to the raffle.

Our quiz team was congratulated on achieving fourth place in the first round of the county quiz.

Various items of correspondence were read. The PAL meeting at Faddingley will be attended by Anne Ongley and Jill Tickle.

Arrangements for our outings to the Lowry and Anglesey are well under way and well supported.

The speaker, Frank Bonser, gave a very eloquent and humorous talk Beside the Seaside, reminding us of the early days of seaside holidays.

Jean Butters thanked him on our behalf.

Following the tea interval, Dorothy Franklin gave a very full report on the meeting at Winsford. The resolution relating to food purchase was passed.

Competition results for A seashell were: 1 Val Pritchard 2 Joan O'Neill 3 Doreen Wright.

Next meeting is at 2.15pm on April 19, at the Community Centre, Bellhouse Lane, and will feature Sue Lewis.