MORE than 180 volunteers, from throughout Warrington, have been treated to a wonderful evening in recognition of their fantastic volunteering achievements.

The 10th Annual Volunteer Awards ceremony, hosted by Volunteer Centre Warrington, took place at the Village Hotel. The Mayor and Consort of Warrington, Clr Linda and Allin Dirir, were guests and presented awards on behalf of the people of Warrington.

The awards recognised volunteers who had achieved 100 hours of volunteering, along with those who had successfully completed accredited courses for volunteering.

The ceremony brought together 24 voluntary organisations from throughout the town. During the evening, volunteers, co-ordinators and guests learned about the work of the different organisations and the wonderful contributions made by their volunteers.

Karen Burman, award scheme co-ordinator at the Volunteer Centre, said: "Volunteers give so much time and energy in helping others and don't often get the recognition that they deserve."

The essence of the evening was captured by the mayor who was keen to thank the volunteers for their contribution.

If you are an organisation who would like to recognise your volunteers' contributions, please contact Karen Burman on 637609, or call into the Volunteer Centre at 9 Suez Street, Warrington to find out more.