President Mrs I Rutter welcomed members to the March meeting of Dutton WI.

The darts trophy had been played for and won by Mrs Rutter.

Forthcoming events are the Luncheon Club at the Legh Arms, Acton Bridge, and an outing to see Oklahoma at the Brindley Theatre. Tickets were on sale for the April group meeting on April 12 at Whitley Village Hall.

The speaker for the evening was Mr Robert Kitching, assisted by his 13-year-old daughter, who gave a demonstration on cheese making. He was a very amusing speaker and went through the process from milk to the finished cheese.

Mr Kitching has a small farm in the Trough of Bowland and makes various varieties of organic cheeses. At the end of the demonstration there was a large slection of cheeses with various tastes and flavours for members to try.

He was thanked by Mrs P Christopher.

Winners of the cheese knife competition were: 1 Mrs K Willis 2 Mrs M Horsburgh 3 Mrs A Fletcher.

The date of the next meeting is April 10 when the speaker, Mr T Meachin, will tell some Sea-faring Yarns.