After Jill Holman, president, had welcomed everyone, including a visitor to the March meeting, she reminded members of the afternoon tea in April for which goods would be required for the stalls and tombola.

She gave news of various recent events, including the county quiz and the presidents and secretaries workshops, both well attended, and the annual council meeting at Winsford, of which Joyce Ramsey gave a most interesting account.

Meetings were announced for the produce and drama groups, and details were given concerning the outing in a fortnight to Boundary Mill.

Jill Holman then gave a reading from a most interesting article explaining the reasons why the WIs throughout the country always begin their meetings with a rendering of Jerusalem.

The speaker, Mr Albert Hogg, a member of the fraud squad of Merseyside Police, then treated his fascinated audience to a riveting talk on credit card fraud, showing how organised crime gangs are accumulating huge amounts of money and giving details of how their criminal activities, especially identity fraud, have been made easier for them by modern technology, including the internet.

Before he was thanked by Hilda Smith, he answered a large number of questions from his very appreciative audience.

Winners of the competition A Paperweight, were: 1 Josie Murgatroyd 2 Patricia Reddish 3 Ruth Moreton