The March meeting was held at St John's Community Hall, Walton village, at 7.30pm.

The speaker for the evening, Mrs Hilary Thompson, explained the idea of Fair Trade, giving the people working in the devloping world a fair price for their products.

An example of this was coffee which has a very volatile price on the world market. By joining a fair trade scheme, coffee growers can rely on a guaranteed price throughout the year. A social premium is included in the price, which can be used to provide clean drinking water, local transport facilities or even computers.

The vote of thanks was given by Mrs Doreen Hughes, and prize for most interesting tea caddy was won by Mrs Pat Woodrow.

On April 4, the speaker will be Mr John Griffith on Cats and coconuts. The competition will be a cat ornament, and the theme for the sales table is Anything Chocolatey.