Our president, Judie Leah, was at the door to greet us all as we arrived. She welcomed three visitors and one new member.

Betty Shaw was thanked for the table flowers which were won in the free raffle by by Chris Phillips.

After the correspondence, Judy announced that we will be having a beetle drive on April 16, which will be our secretary, Sue Morey's 60th birthday, poor old thing.

It is time to start work on our entries for the plant and cuttings stall at our May meeting.

April 23 has been marked out as our first ramble of year, organised by Eileen Todd and Wendy Carey.

It was also announced that there will be a group coffee morning at Winwick on May 9.

Judy introduced our speaker, Bob Jennings, whose talk was on the world of bees and honey. The vote of thanks was given by Lorna Percival.