DEAN Hay always cared about other people, even when he was battling leukaemia.

His parents, Andrew and Julie, can still remember his overwhelming desire to help the people who had been hit by the tsunami in 2004.

Andrew recalls: "Dean appreciated that it was important to give time to other people.

"He wanted to help out and he said what can I do?' So he set up a disco, half the street came and we raised more than £30.

"But Dean being seriously ill did something for somebody else and that is how he was."

His family marked the second anniversary of his death on Tuesday after a 13-month battle against acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. He died on Easter Sunday, 2005, aged 10.

From when Dean first started his treatment at Alder Hey Children's Hospital to the present day, the family have all benefited from the help of The Butterfly Project.

The project not only offers support for families who have a child with a life limiting condition, but also a bereavement service that helps family and friends who have been affected by the death of a loved one.

In the case of the Hay family, from Martinscroft, the project has offered support for his parents, grandparents and especially Dean's twin brother, Steven.

Julie continued: "They arranged for Steven to go to see Manchester United and meet the team. The team have a special day for poorly children and Dean went as the main person and Steven as his carer."

The project offers continuing support for the family.

Andrew added: "The support is there and at any time when grandparents or Steven feel like they have not been able to cope.

"I don't think I can stress enough that it is knowing that there is somebody that is available, like having a duvet when it gets cold, you might not want to use it, but it is always there."

During his treatment, Dean received more than 100 blood transfusions and the family also want to raise awareness of the importance of being a blood donor.

And they are continuing Dean's caring way for others by raising money for a number of children's charities with a charity golf day at Boysnope Park Golf Club on May 12.

For more information, contact the Warrington Guardian on 434122.