A MAN has appeared at Warrington Magistrates' Court charged with beating up his 66-year-old mother badly enough to put her on a life support machine.

Jason Bishop, aged 33, of Mertoun Road, Walton, allegedly inflicted on his mother two cracked ribs, a fractured right cheek bone, a wound to the right of her head, wounds to her back, heels and elbows, and general bruising.

She is heavily sedated on a ventilator at Trafford Hospital and police have described her condition as "very poorly with serious injuries", the court heard.

The attack allegedly took place on Sunday, March 18.

A neighbour who saw her struggling to stand against a garden wall called the police.

The defendant said in his police interview he could not remember how his mother suffered the injuries, the court heard.

The magistrates decided the case was too serious for them to deal with and adjourned for a committal hearing to the crown court on May 4. No indication of plea was given.