PEOPLE over the age of 55 can now go online to find out more about what assistance is available to them from St Helens Council.

People in Newton and Earlestown can log on to where they can complete a self-assessment form to find out what services can be offered to them.

The pilot site for self-assessment has been running since November 2006 and offers useful information such as reliable plumbers, decorators through to doctors and dentists.

Newton Clr Suzanne Knight is leading the call for people to get online as the executive member for adult social care and health.

Clr Knight said: "Self assessment offers people choice and flexibility over the care packages they receive. The project is a key component in our plans to modernise social services so that care is tailored specifically to the need of the person."

To make a self-assessment simply log on to the website and print off a form or fill one out electronically.

If you can't fill in self-assessment forms online contact the council's contact centre on 01744 456600 and a request form will be sent out to you.