KINGSWOOD could be getting its own residents' group for the first time.

A meeting to set up both a Kingswood Residents' Association and a new Homewatch scheme for the area will be held this Sunday.

Burtonwood and Westbrook parish councillor Tina Rogers-Smith has helped organise the event, which begins at 6.30pm at the Kingswood Centre at Butts Green.

The area's Community Support Officer David Brownlee will also be in attendance.

And both the police and the parish councillor are calling for anyone interested in being on the residents' group committee or working as a Homewatch co-ordinator or deputy for their road to go along.

Clr Rogers-Smith said: "We have been looking at this for the past six months.

"It started because people didn't get or felt they didn't get information and didn't feel their voices were heard.

"I have lived here for 13 years and we have not had a residents' group here since the houses were built."

The area did originally have a Homewatch scheme, but that folded.

The parish councillor believes new community interaction in the estate north of Westbrook Way can help solve its problems.

She said: "We want to look at traffic speeds in the area, because there are lots of different limits and not enough crossings.

"If you're a mother with a pushchair or pram, sometimes you just can't cross the road at all.

"Our target is to have Homewatch on each of the roads in the residential area of Kingswood."