JUST when you thought it was all over, the row over traffic calming measures on a Paddington road is yet to be resolved.

The controversial decision on whether to allow speed humps on Birchdale Road to go ahead now lies in the hands of Warrington Borough Council's traffic committee.

The ongoing saga will come before the committee on June 27, where the issue looks set to be resolved once and for all.

For months, warring residents have vocalised their reasons for supporting or objecting to the plans, all to no avail.

Now letters will be sent out to residents in the area informing them of the latest episode in the ever unfolding drama.

Birchdale Road resident and borough Clr Brian Maher said: "The council realises that it can't please 100 per cent of the community but it will promote and implement a scheme based on the majority support.

"Because of an overwhelming majority opposed to the scheme, the calming measures would not go ahead but there was a question surrounding how the votes had been done after 162 properties objected to the scheme which produced 299 signatures, while 119 properties supported it producing 123 signatures.

"I have contacted the head of legal services and the head of the chief executive's unit at Warrington Borough Council and it has been decided that the only appropriate solution is to submit the findings to the traffic committee for them to resolve on June 27."