THEY say the winner takes it all and Cinnamon Brow Primary School has certainly proved the old adage right.

The school is currently basking in glory after it did the double' and scooped not one, but two prestigious awards.

The Mayor of Warrington, Clr Linda Dirir last week presented staff and pupils from the school, on Perth Close, with the Basic Skills Agency Primary Quality Mark.

The nationally recognised award illustrates that a school is teaching, planning and acting to raise achievements and standards in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy.

Working in partnership with its education link adviser, the skills were required to fulfil 10 key elements to obtain the awards.

The school underwent an independent accreditation inspection in December 2006.

Clr Dirir spent time meeting and greeting staff and pupils and presented the award to those behind the drive to improve basic skills teaching.

Clr Sheila Woodyatt, the borough council's executive board member for children's services, said: "This is an excellent achievement for the school and I would like to congratulate everyone for their hard work."

But the accolades don't stop there - the school is also the first in the town to be awarded national healthy schools status.

It earned the award for its work in creating a healthy atmosphere for children and for promoting all round well-being.

Lesley Sweeney, head teacher, said: "We are incredibly proud to have achieved this and especially to be the first school in the town to be awarded the national healthy schools award.

"It has been very much a team effort with children, staff, governors and parents all working together to achieve this.

"We are all very proud to be able to say that Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School is a school that is full of happy and healthy children being provided with the skills they need for lifelong learning."