PARISHIONERS are being given the chance to take a unique journey through Holy Week.

A labyrinth, using a basic grid, at Stockton Heath Methodist Church Hall, on Walton Road, is giving churchgoers the opportunity to experience a series of religious events from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

A spokesman for Stockton Heath Methodist Church said: "Each one illustrates an event of that week with ideas to think about and things to do.

"There are opportunities to be creative or reflective; to sit down and be contemplative."

St Monica's RC Church, Stockton Heath Christian Fellowship and St Thomas' Church have also been involved with the project.

The labyrinth grid is available to follow on April 2, from 2pm until 4pm, and from 6.30pm until 8.30pm; on April 3 and April 4 from 10am to midday, 2pm until 4pm and from 6.30pm until 8.30pm with a final visit available on April 5, from 10am to midday and from 2pm until 4pm.

Information about the event will be available at all of the churches involved.

Refreshments are provided.

Entrance is free but there will be a donation box.