IT is guns at dawn as the boys in blue target dangerous drivers.

Officers covering Stockton Heath, Appleton and Stretton are moving up a gear to catch dangerous motorists, using a new speed gun.

The new hand-held speed radar, which arrived on Monday, will be used by Community Support Officers based at Stockton Heath Police Station to identify which roads are plagued most by speeding motorists - although they will not be able to issue fixed penalties for offences.

The gun will then be used by police officers on the roads identified as speeding hotspots to catch drivers.

Speeding drivers will be slapped with £60 fines and three points on their driving licences.

Inspector Stuart Woodcock, of South Warrington Neighbourhood Policing Unit, said: "This will complement our campaign to address what appears to be a general decline in driving standards. We will be using the equipment to both educate and prosecute drivers who exceed the speed limits.

"There will also be a speed enforcement camera vehicle working on a regular basis."

To keep drivers on their toes, police will move cameras to different sets of traffic light to catch those who run red lights.

Insp Woodcock added: "Driving through a red traffic light appears to be becoming more common.

"I think some drivers believe a red light means another three vehicles can proceed through it.

"A red light means stop and those who fail will be prosecuted."

The campaign has been supported by the parish councils of Stockton Heath, Appleton, Stretton and Lymm, which paid the £400 for the speed gun.

Insp Woodcock said: "Driving standards need to improve on all roads and around schools. We will also focus on mobile phone use and seatbelt use."