THE Latchford West Community Forum has appointed a new secretary.

The forum held its annual meeting on March 13 and appointed Peter Hunt to the post. During the meeting, Alderman John Taylor was re-elected as chairman and Janet Astion was also re-elected as treasurer.

The forum has also just announced that it will be donating £150 to Latchford CE Primary School for the development of a playground and will help to pay for safety flooring.

Latchford West Community Forum has also announced that after last year's success it will once again be holding a beating of the bounds'.

The ancient tradition, which means walking around the parish boundary, was brought back by the group last year and proved to be very popular.

The walk will take place on Sunday, April 22, and take between two and three hours to complete, with a break in Victoria Park for tea and coffee. The community forum would like to invite groups that would like to take part in the work and anyone taking part should wear suitable clothing for the Trans-Peninne trail.