LIARS beware! A Warrington couple is out to catch them on national TV from this week.

Don Cargill and his wife, Nadia, will be making their first appearance on Channel Five show Trisha next week as experts conducting lie detector tests on the show's characters, who are out to prove their innocence.

The pair set up their company NADAC about nine months ago - one of only seven accredited lie detector companies in the UK.

Don, fromDaresbury, said: "We got picked up by the Trisha show and we've got about 12 shows in the can now. We've done a whole range of family disputes. It is very hard work bit it is a lot of fun."

But the Trisha show is not the only TV work lined up for the couple, as they will be appearing on ITV 1 as part of an Agatha Christie weekend in April.

The pair will be going under the name Cargill and Penner when they hit our screens next week and are due to star in more Trisha episodes in the future.