MORE than a hundred women enjoyed a fun-packed night at the peace centre last Thursday.

Warrington Youth Club and the NSPCC had put on a special event for International Women's Day and the centre was full of girls out to enjoy the party, get information and learn new things.

Pink party food, relaxing music, yoga, Reiki massage and beauty treatments were just some of the things on offer.

"Every year, thousands of events throughout the world are held to inspire women and celebrate their achievements," said Catherine Holligan, senior manager of the youth club.

"We are really pleased that so many girls came along.

"It was a brilliant night!"

Connexions, Phaze and the Children's Society handed out information while places for a special 10-week project called Girls' Group were advertised.

The project, aimed at 11-18-year-olds, starts in May and places are limited. Call Janis on 581227 or e-mail to find out more.