A HEALTH consultant at a Warrington hospital is practising what she preaches when it comes to exercise by taking part in the London Marathon.

Anne O'Carroll spends her day advising people to make sure they keep fit and she is leading by example by running her first marathon in April.

She won't be tackling the race by herself as her husband, David, will also be running the 26-mile course.

Anne said: "We always watch the London Marathon and think it would be a fantastic achievement. So this year we decided to actually put thoughts into action and try to raise some money for a great cause."

The couple are running for Marie Curie Cancer Care and although it is their first marathon, they have already competed in other runs such as the Great Manchester Run and the Great North Run.

If you would like to sponsor Anne in the London Marathon you can visit justgiving.com/anneocarroll to make a donation.