Maybe Widnes is just backwards, but if I ride my bike just for fun in my home town people stop and look.

It happens in Warrington but not quite as bad - and it's always the same.

Gangs of townie kids gawp as you go past...

Someone riding a bike on the road!

Wearing a helmet!!

And some cycling gear!!!

And they often shout made 'comedy' comments - "riding your bike!" or "where you pedalling to?" or similar inanities.

What do they expect? Should I be on the pavement, with a low slung seat and wearing trackies?

But in safety terms, most cyclists I see in Warrington don't seem much better off than the teenagers.

Many don't wear helmets, bright clothes or have lights.

My brother, girlfried and a friend had all been knocked off bikes and their advice was simple - WEAR A HELMET.

I read a guide to cycling for new people and it said If You Can Be Seen By Traffic, You Are Safe, and I think this is good advice.

So I'm happy to get stupid comments on the goons on street corners, because it means there's much less chance of being squashed all over the street corner.