COMMUNITY support officers dropped into a pre-school in Old Hall to give youngsters a look into the world of policing.

CSOs Natalie Giles and Lisa Carroll visited children at Jack and Jill Pre-School at Bewsey Barns, on Old Hall Road.

The group, which has 40 children up to school age, has been running a programme to promote positive images' as part of its pre-school curriculum. And the duo popped in to discuss road safety and being wary of talking to strangers.

Gill Lawson, playgroup supervisor, said: "They asked the children what they thought that they did in their job and the children got to try on their uniforms and look in their police car. The kids had a lovely time, and they were really nice ladies."

The group meets from 9am to 3pm on Monday, 12.30pm to 3pm on Wednesday, 9am to 11.30am on Thursday and from 9am to 3pm on Friday.