A CAR thief was battered to death in a cell at Risley prison, a jury heard yesterday, Wednesday.

Patrick Butler, aged 42, suffered massive head injuries' during an attack by Marcus Nelson, aged 30, and Aaron Gordon, aged 24, Chester Crown court heard.

Mr Butler was taken to hospital following the incident on Sunday, November 13, 2005, but died four days later.

Doctors said his injuries, which included a fractured skull and face, and bleeding on the brain, were consistent with a head being propelled hard against a wall, sink or door'.

Nelson and Gordon, cousins by marriage, deny murder and manslaughter.

They admitted being at the scene of the attack - which took place in Nelson's cell - but say three other men were responsible.

Summing up the three-week trial, Justice RHQ Henriques said the prosecution case was that the pair intended to cause serious injury' to Mr Butler to punish him for dealing drugs on their patch'.

Judge Henriques added: "The prosecution said they carried out an act of extreme violence to enforce their superiority.

"The prosecution say Mr Butler had been summoned to Nelson's cell by the pair to discuss drugs."

The court heard the dead man was a known user of cannabis, amphetamines and heroin and Nelson was a known dealer.

Gordon meanwhile did not use drugs but was renowned for selling drugs and mobile phones in prison.

The jury was told the defendants initially told police they had no knowledge of the assault but it is alleged they made up a conspiracy theory about the three unnamed intruders' after realising their lie was doomed to failure.

Their defence alleges that was because they feared repercussion from the real perpetrators.

The jury was expected to be sent out as the Warrington Guardian went to press.

The case continues.