FIVE years on and Dorothy Anderton's killer is still walking the streets.

The 87-year-old died after she was violently mugged on a footpath off Cavendish Close, Old Hall.

But this week, on the fifth anniversary of her death, police admit they are no closer to finding her murderer.

Detective Sergeant Matt Durkin, who worked on the original investigation, said: "It was a very cold and callous attack and unfortunately, since it happened, we have had nothing to help catch the person who did it.

"He knows who he is and I doubt that he could have carried that secret all this time without telling someone.

"I'd like to see that an anniversary of her death will tug at heart strings on that person and give police information."

Now detectives are hoping someone can shed light on the crime and put the pensioner to rest.

Diary of events: l November 13, 2001 - the elderly woman was returning home after visiting her niece, she was a few yards from her own home.

l Her attacker grabbed her handbag and she collapsed, suffering a broken hip and wrist. She was taken to Warrington Hospital but never went home.

l Mrs Anderton developed blood clots and suffered a heart attack followed by an infection.

l December 25 - she spent her birthday, Christmas Day, in hospital. Police say she deteriorated quickly.

l March 2002 - she died, four months after the attack.

DS Durkin added: "Dorothy's attacker could have been a drug addict or just a teenager who did not think through the consequences of his actions.

"Her family are still very upset that they lost a lovely aunt in a cruel way.

"I saw her in hospital and, in a matter of weeks, she had deteriorated so much that she was unrecognisable."

One man was arrested but later released without charge, putting police back to square one.

The attacker snatched her handbag containing £400 in cash that Mrs Anderton had been saving for new dentures.

Her killer is believed to be aged between 17 and 30 and of a slim build.

Anyone with information should call Warrington police on 08458 0000.