HUNDREDS of car cruisers who meet to show off their modified cars could be driven into the town centre, says a site organiser in dispute with the council.

Simon Gleaves has been holding Monday night cruises on his land - also used for car boot sales - near the B&Q store off Winwick Road.

But Warrington Borough Council has said his land is in the greenbelt and has cut back the number of days he can trade to 28 - with the car cruise now being dropped.

Mr Gleaves said: "When there's good weather you can get 200 cruisers. Now they will start going back to Sanisburys, Tesco, McDonalds and the retail parks.

"The police approved of my event because they were having to chase cruisers around the town when they have got burglaries and serious crime to deal with."

He said he has applied for permission to run the cruises and has an eight-week wait to see if he successful.

An online petition by cruisers against the closure had attracted 195 signatures by Tuesday morning.

A council spokesman said: "In the unitary development plan, the land that Mr Gleaves owns is greenbelt, that is the hard reality, and there are restrictions on the way it can be used.

"With regards to the cars moving elsewhere, that's just speculation, so we can't comment on what Mr Gleaves thinks."