A BRIGHT student from Latchford is US-bound to join the world's future leaders.

Rebecca McCartney has been selected to attend a People to People Future Leaders' Summit. The meeting brings together the world's most able student minds to prepare them for a promising future.

The 16-year-old, who is currently studying AS levels at Priestley College, will be jetting out to the States in late July and will be based at George Washington University in Washington and Columbia University in New York.

Rebecca said: "I'm looking forward to meeting up with people from different cultures and backgrounds. I think it will be a fun experience more than anything else."

She received a letter from Mary Jean Eisenhower, who is the president of People to People International and also granddaughter of former US president Dwight Eisenhower, inviting her to take part in the conference.

The current honorary chairman of the organisation is US president George Bush while former presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan have both had links with the group.

Rebecca added: "It is a really nice feeling to be considered among a world elite' but I'm glad my hard work had paid off to allow me this opportunity."