A TRANSPORT company had a heart to help raise money for Warrington Hospital.

The O'Connor Group has been raising money to buy vital new equipment that can be used at Warrington Hospital.

And the money has paidfor a new electrocardiograph (ECG) machine that will be located in the colorectal surgery unit on ward A6. The machine monitors a patient's heart function and helps staff to diagnose potential heart attacks and other cardiac problems.

Susan O'Connor, group legal director of the O'Connor Group, said: "We have all been affected one way or another by friends or family who have required the services of staff in hospital and it is comforting to know this machine will assist staff in saving lives."

The company has managed to raise the total for the machine, which costs almost £5,000, through a number of events organised by its social club.

Angela Bannon, ward manager, added: "The machine will be put to immediate good use for the benefit of the people of Warrington, Widnes, Runcorn and the surrounding area."