A WARRINGTON couple made history at the weekend when they married at the town's register office.

Clive Blunden, aged 53, married his former mother in law, Brenda Bailey, aged 66, at the same place he married her daughter Irene 30 years ago.

The couple, who got together after Clive's marriage to Irene ended, signed a deal with a national newspaper for exclusive pictures and interviews, despite the Warrington Guardian breaking the story.

Speaking last year, the Westy couple said: "We're both divorced and we're not blood relatives so I can't understand why we're being treated like this."

The couple were allowed to marry by law after a legal ruling went ahead earlier this year - despite Clive previously being arrested because of his intention to marry Brenda, who had changed her name by deed poll to Blunden.

He said: "It's ironic that we tied the knot near the police station where I was held in the cells all those years ago for wanting to marry the woman I love, and now it's legal."

l See wedding pictures in this week's Warrington Guardian