POLICE say a family dispute was not at the centre of Wednesday's rooftop drama in Appleton.

(Click here for the original video report, and click here for the full story)

David Warren, aged 23, was arrested after police negotiators talked him down from the roof, on Waverley Avenue. He had reportedly been throwing bricks and tiles from the roof of the house.

In a statement to the Guardian on Wednesday, a senior police officer said Warren had been on the roof following a family dispute.

But today (Thursday) Cheshire Constabulary's press office issued a fresh statement: "We would like to point out that the family dispute referred to in the interview with Inspector Steven Anderson did not take place.

"The statement issued by Insp Anderson was given in good faith based on the information available to him at the time of interview.

"Subsequently, following the resolution of the incident, further information was gathered which confirmed no dispute had occurred."