SLIMMERS have been encouraged to get active to get in even better shape by an exercise team.

The feel good factor is a weight loss group at Newton Community Centre set up to help give people wanting to shift those extra pounds practical advice and tips on how to eat healthily and exercise their way to a new slimmer person.

And this week members of the Go Active team from St Helens Council paid a visit to the class to check their fitness levels. Dave Hitchen, who is a fitness co-ordinator at Selwyn Jones Leisure Centre was on hand to give work out tips and Sue Robinson, the Go Active sales co-ordinator gave information about what is available from the council's leisure services.

The Go Active team will now return to the centre in six weeks time to see whether their new exercise regimes have paid off when they have their fitness levels measured again.

For more information about Go Active e-mail or call 01744 677230.