PENKETH Boys' Brigade is still going, said officer Julia Hitchin, from 2nd Warrington Boys' Brigade.

She contacted the Warrington Guardian to say: "In response to the report when Clr Dempsey was reported to say the Boys Brigade closed down due to lack of volunteers, we would like to put the record straight.

"The Boys' Brigade in Penketh has been providing a service to boys from the age of five to 18 in Penketh and Great Sankey since the early 1970s and has never closed.

"We currently meet at The Oaks Centre, Stocks Lane, Penketh on Monday evenings. Boys aged from five to 11 meet at 6pm to 7.30pm and boys in school years seven and upwards meet from 8pm to 9.30pm.

"In contrast to the recent report, we do have sufficient volunteers and would very much welcome more boys to join us."