ONE family inspired to learn'.

That is the motto of St Gregory's High School, where staff and pupils are celebrating a glowing Ofsted report.

Inspectors graded the Westbrook school as "a good school with some outstanding features" following an assessment in January.

And standards of achievement were praised for being consistently high', particularly in English, which is the school's specialist subject.

Steve Clarke, head teacher, said: "The report recognises the skill and dedication of the teachers and support staff in enabling the students to achieve their full potential.

"We are particularly proud of the acknowledgement of the care, support and guidance the school provides."

Other outstanding features highlighted included pupils' personal development and wellbeing, with the inspector commenting that "behaviour is good and students are welcoming and polite to each other and adults".

It describes the teaching at St Gregory's as "good overall, and is never less than satisfactory and sometimes outstanding".

But it did identify areas for improvement and noted that extra curricular activities need to help the most able students achieve in all aspects of schooling and must ensure that "coherent provision for the most able students is made".

Lynda Flynn, chairman of governors, said: "The governors of St Gregory's feel this is a very fitting reward for the commitment and dedication shown by all the staff and pupils. We are proud to be part of this family."